Saturday 15 February 2014

MOOCS - too big to succeed?

It seems that rumours of the imminent demise of campus-based higher education - in favour of free online MOOCs - have been greatly exaggerated. Well - apparently according to an article in the Financial Times, Stanford University President, John Hennessy claims that MOOCS are neither massive nor open.

Saturday 8 February 2014

Want to be a successful entrepreneur? try a doctorate

The recent sale of London tech start-up DeepMind to Google for a reported £400m is the latest in a series of deals highlighting the ever-increasing entrepreneurial spirit of Britain's scientists - and does much to dispel the myth that the UK is good at science but poor at innovation and enterprise.

Material progress on Drug Resistant Infections

The  O’Neill Review  on AntiMicrobial Resistance has led to new initiatives on the development of new diagnostics and drugs along with ...